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Sunday 20 February 2011

Front Cover Design Idea

This is a rough drawing of what conventions and design ideas i may use in my final product.

As my magazine is an indie magazine aimed at girls, I decided to name it “Indie Cindy”. I got this idea from a lyric in a song by a band called ‘Hadouken’. 
The masthead in my design has ‘Indie’ written in white on a bold black background and then to contrast that, ‘Cindy’ written in calligraphy in a pink/purple colour.
I decided that I wanted the band I would feature to be looking straight at the reader to make it seem a lot more personal. I also like the idea of having one member of the band in front of the masthead and the rest of the band behind – I got this idea when I was analysing ‘Rock Sound’, it stood out to me as most magazines do not do this.
I decided I would follow the typical convention of a magazine by having the band’s name on layered on top of the photograph to one side, then underneath a pull quote of what they say within the double page spread interview.
The front page to ‘Indie Cindy’ also has a band at the top of the magazine and at the bottom. I feel that using these bands gives easy space to promote what is inside of the magazine without writing too much over the main photograph – along with this I also use buttons to promote what is inside.
My main colour scheme is Black and pink/purple however I have included some blue and red in my design.  I am not sure if I will follow through with using these colours in my final piece.

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