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Sunday 10 April 2011

Evalution of Indie Cindy.

- Firstly I show how I got from my flat plan design to my final pieces. The things that’s changed were that they background was black therefore the 'Indie' was white. Also due to the fact I couldn't take the exact photograph I wanted for my contents page I had to change that around and add more images to the page.
-I used an issue of 'Rock Sound' magazine to help me design the layout for my front cover, I challenged the convention of using the colour pink as when I was researching, I found no other music magazines which used pink - I only found gossip magazines such as sugar- I think I works well because I have linked it with the black to show a girly edge to indie music.
- On my double page spread I added an advertisement which I saw in a double page spread from the issue of 'Rock Sound' this links to the 16-24(typical higher education age) age group I was aiming my magazine towards as they are more likely to react to an advertisement.
- The front cover also says that inside there will be a free mp3 download - this speaks out to the 16-24 generation.
-The images within my magazine represents the Indie scene as there are laid back images (such as the double page spread) and live images which after doing research I have found out those who listen to indie music are very likely to attend concerts. Also as the images are of musicians aged 16-24 it represents my target audiences' age group.
- After a lot of research I decided I would want Sonic Publishing to publish my magazine as they publish many rock magazines that are successful but not necessarily very well known such as Rock Sound, I thought this would go well as Indie musicians are also successful but not necessarily very well known.
- Looking back at the prelim task I have learnt a lot more about the layout of typical front covers and colour schemes to attract your chosen audience.

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