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Monday 14 March 2011

How i edit my magazine front cover using photoshop

To start my magazine I needed to edit my main photo of the band I am featuring. I first edited the levels and the contrast of the photo to make it look the best it can and then I began to edit out the background so that it’ll be easier for me to place it on my front cover. To do this I used the rubber tool.

When I made the background black by using the fill tool, there was a bit of a contrast between the background and the image so I clicked on ‘Layer’ then ‘Effects’ and then selected ‘Inner Shadow’ which made the photo blend in a lot more with the background.

I then needed the font for my masthead – I decided that I wanted ‘Indie’ and ‘Cindy’ in two different fonts to show the contrast but also link them together as my target audience is girls who like indie music. For ‘Indie’ I chose a font from the internet which is quite rough and represents the indie music genre. However I wanted a black background and white writing so..

To change around the background and font colour I clicked on ‘Image’ then ‘Adjust’ and selected the ‘Invert’ option.

I then began to try out different colour schemes. After researching, I realised that most music magazines use the colours black, white and another colour. I decided to follow this convention and use the colours black, white and pink to represent my target audience.

I thought the red clothing worn by one of the members clashed a bit with the pink so I selected “image” and “replace colour” and clicked on the item of clothing and made it a bit darker to blend in more.

 To make the “Cindy” stand out more but still look like it is part of the “indie” I made the font white but added a pink “drop shadow” by selecting “layer style”.

To follow the conventions of the magazines I analysed I added a banner at the bottom with artists who would be featured in my magazine and I added photographs at the top to advertise was the posters inside would look like.

I then added more conventions of typical music magazines such as pull quotes, barcodes, pricing, issue numbers etc.

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